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1 reviews
7.8 k downloads

One app for chatting with friends on AIM, Facebook, and Google Talk

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AIM is an efficient and versatile messaging application designed to facilitate continuous and easy communication with friends and groups, irrespective of their location. It allows users to engage in one-on-one conversations or initiate and manage group chats with a simple tap using the "Start a Chat" button. Whether sharing photos, disclosing your location, or maintaining the flow of conversations across desktop and web clients, the application ensures individuals stay connected without interruptions.

Highlighting some of the prominent features, users have the ability to customize their group experiences by adding or removing members and editing group icons to their preference. Message management is user-friendly; copying and pasting text is as simple as long-pressing on a message. Quick access to user details and group chat settings is provided with a mere tap on the corresponding icons.

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For those who value privacy, there is an "Off the Record" function, ensuring conversations remain confidential. Alongside this, the option to clear your message history directly from the conversation menu is available for enhanced privacy and control.

Notifications are customizable, granting flexibility to select different sounds for incoming messages and LED notification colors so users can stay on top of their conversations with ease. The app icon conveniently displays the number of unread messages, ensuring that individuals never miss an important update.

Moreover, the game facilitates faster access to frequent contacts by allowing the creation of shortcuts to chats. This feature streamlines communication, placing priority conversations at fingertips.

With AIM, users gain a reliable messaging tool, complete with thoughtful features that cater to all communication needs, ensuring that conversations are always just a tap away.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about AIM

Package Name com.aol.mobile.aim
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Utilities
Language English
44 more
Author AOL Inc.
Downloads 7,815
Date Apr 29, 2022
Content Rating +12
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk Android + 2.2.x Jul 23, 2016
apk Android + 8 Dec 22, 2015
apk Apr 10, 2015
apk Android + 1.5 May 15, 2022
Available for other platforms

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